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DIY: De-Stress Glitter Jar (EASY)

Hello everyone and welcome back to TrendingSeasons! Today I wanted to share with you an amazingly easy way to de-stress! Learn how to make these glitter jars! They're simple and fun. I am a person who really suffers with anxiety and if you do too you know how challenging and upsetting it can be to live with it from day to day. This glitter jar may help us to manage anxiety, stress, and depression with positivity.

Click the box below to view the video!

INSTRUCTIONS: You are going to need: -A Mason jar -Clear glue -And fine purple glitter 1. Fill your mason jar with warm water. 2. Add clear glue. There’s no right or wrong amount! 3. Add the fine glitter. (More glitter equals a darker color.) 4. Screw on the lid. 5. And shake. Anxiety can be debilitating and paralyzing, so it’s nice to be able to take a moment to breathe. Breathe deeply through your nose, fill your body with air, hold it for three counts and exhale slowly through your mouth. Purple is a very calming color (although, you’re welcome to use any kind of color you’d like), but if you’ve practiced Yoga and have knowledge of chakras, purple is linked to the crown chakra on the top of your head. This chakra is connected to pure thought. Focusing on the glitter can help to let go of negative thoughts…and in time anxiety may ease. Watch the glitter swirl and take that moment for yourself, you deserve it! If you are a sufferer of anxiety, stress, or depression, here's to lighter, happier days!

Until next time! XO!

-Amanda (TrendingSeasons)

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