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DIY: Valentine's Day Heart Ornaments

Hello everyone and welcome back to TrendingSeasons! Today I’m going to show you how to make these cute Valentine’s Day heart decorations. You can hang them from a mantle or a light fixture and they bring that festive cheeriness to anywhere in your house. They’ll also help to spread the love this February 14th!

Let’s get started!

Click the box below to view the VIDEO!

INSTRUCTIONS: You are going to need: (All items can be purchased at your local craft store!) -A hole punch -Brads (The ones I found are red, pink, and silver hearts, SO cute!) -Thread -Scissors -A pencil -A ruler -And 5 sheets of 12X12 scrapbook paper (Different patterns and colors work best!)

The following instructions are for a large heart ornament. (There are varying sizes you can make!)

1. Use your ruler to measure 12 1" strips of paper. 2. Draw lines to help with cutting nice straight lines. 3. Cut out the strips of paper. (Repeat these steps for each of your pieces of scrapbook paper.) 4. With all the strips of paper cut out, lay them out in the pattern you’d like your heart to be. There should be two sides that mirror one another. (5 on each side, with 10 total.) 5. Next, cut down the paper strips. The longest strips on the outside should be 12,” the next 11,” 10,” 9,” and 8.” (MEDIUM HEART-longest strip-10,” 9,” 8,” 7,” 6.”) (SMALL HEART-longest strip-8,” 7,” 6,” 5,” 4.”) 6. Lay one side of the 5 strips one on top of the other. Do the same to the other side. 7. Make sure each stack is lined up at the bottom and add a hole using the hole punch. (Make sure the hole is at least a 1/4" in from the end.) 8. Stack the papers together with the two longest pieces facing one another. 9. Place one stack on top of the other stack, aligning the punched holes at the bottom. 10. Add a brad to connect them. 11. To form the heart, pull each side apart. 12. Line-up each paper layer. (There should be 5 strips on one side and 5 on the other!) 13. Add another hole. Do the same thing to the other side! 14. At the bottom of both stacks meeting, add a brad. 15. Add thread to the top of the heart. It should be doubled and make it so the heart is easy to hang.

Surround yourself with LOVE this Valentine’s Day! And even if you don’t celebrate the holiday, these are a sweet addition to any room.

Thanks for watching! Please be sure to give my video a “LIKE,” comment below, and SUBSCRIBE!

Until next time loves! XO!

-Amanda (TrendingSeasons)

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