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DIY: Pumpkin Sparkle Bat Mask Craft

Happy October seasoners! As Halloween is getting closer everyday, it's time to dress-up our pumpkins for the occasion! 😜

I've chosen to make a sparkly bat mask for my jack o'lantern!

Let's get started!

Click the box below to view the video!

INSTRUCTIONS: You are going to need:

-A carved pumpkin (medium-large sized) -Red, black, and white felt board (felt board is sturdy, you want to avoid using regular soft felt!) -Templates for the bat head, wings, ears, eyes, and fangs (these are for you to trace when cutting shapes out of your felt board!)


-Sticky-back rhinestones (the black is the smaller of the two, different sizes gives it a nice dimension!) -A plain black mask -Googly eyes -Glue -Scissors -Red string (for blood, this is a vampire bat!) -Mounting tape

-NOTE: All supplies can be found at your local craft store.

1. Use your templates to trace an outline on your red, black, and white felt board. The red is used for the inside of the ears, the black for the head and wings and the white is for the bat’s fangs and to accent it’s googly eyes. 2. Cut everything out. 3. Once your wings are ready, grab your rhinestones and start bedazzling! Peel the back off of each rhinestone. There’s no right or wrong! 4. When your wings are finished, it’s time to glue the bat’s face, a little dab is all you need! Wait a few minutes for everything to dry. 5. Gently tie red string around the bat's fang. 6. Assemble your mask! Cut small pieces of mounting tape to secure your bat head and wings. 7. Tape your mask to your pumpkin! 8. Add a candle. 9. Turn off the lights and marvel at the cuteness!

10. Have an amazing Halloween.

This simple craft gives your Halloween Pumpkin that much more personality! Make your holiday even more special this year! 😊

Until next time loves! XO!

-Amanda (TrendingSeasons)

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