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How To: Bake Mini Pumpkin Cakes

Welcome back to TrendingSeasons! This week we're going to be baking these REALLY delicious mini pumpkin cakes! If you're hosting a family get together or relaxing party with friends, these are sure to be a hit!

Let's get started!

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INSTRUCTIONS: You are going to need:

-Cake mix (I went with Pillsbury "Perfectly Pumpkin") -Vegetable oil -Non-stick cooking spray -A measuring cup -A Mini bundt baking pan -A bowl -3 eggs -An electric mixer

(NOTE: I've gone for a pumpkin flavor cake mix because it gives you that cozy vibe and smells AMAZING! Depending on what kind of mix you choose, recipes may differ slightly. Be sure to pay attention to your box's directions!)

1. Coat your pan with cooking spray. This will make sure your cakes don't stick! 2. Grab your bowl and add your cake mix. 3. Add 1 cup of water. 4. A 1/2 cup of vegetable oil. 5. And your 3 eggs. 6. With your mixer, beat everything for two minutes. Everything should become uniform with a nice consistency. 7. Stir if necessary. 8. Add the batter to your pan! 9. Bake for 15 minutes at 350°. 10. Wait for them to cool and remove them from your pan.

We're ready to decorate!

For decorating you will need: -A bowl -A spoon -A serrated knife -Measuring spoons -Confectioner sugar -Vanilla extract -Milk -Yellow and red food coloring -Canned green icing -Leaf icing tip -Tootsie roll candy -Edible orange glitter

1. We'll start by making our orange glaze. Pour 1 1/4 confectioner sugar into a bowl. 2. Add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract. 3. And 3 tablespoons of milk. 4. Mix everything together until it has a nice thickness. 5. Add 4 yellow and 1 red drops of food coloring. 6. Stir until it is a pure orange color. 7. Grab two cakes and with your serrated knife, cut the top off of each. 8. Stack them on top of one another. Add some glaze between them (this acts as a nice glue!) 9. Drizzle some glaze on top of your cake! 10. Bend a tootsie roll candy so that it's slightly curved. Stick it in the middle of the cake, now your pumpkin has a stem! 11. If you want to add some detail...with a can of green icing, draw vines and leaves (requires different icing tips). 12. Sprinkle a light dusting of glitter on top. 13. Voilà!

These make every autumn spread unforgettable! There's a lot of pride in serving desserts you've baked yourself!

Until next time loves! XO!

-Amanda (TrendingSeasons)

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